Sidan innehåller annonslänkar

Cutrin VIENO Sensitive Hairspray Strong

Hög kvalitet Hög kvalitet
Pressade priser Pressade priser
Brett utbud och sortiment Brett utbud


CUTRIN VIENO OPARFYMERAD STARK HÅRSPRAY ger långvarig och extremt stark stadga och strålande glans. Maximalt stöd och kontroll.

Skyddar mot fukt. Utvecklad för fint hår och känslig hårbotten.Testad i extrema nordiska förhållanden.

Vegansk. Recycle information Can is made out of metal and is recyclable in metal recycling.

Make sure that the can is fully empty before recycling. If the product packaging is not fully empty and there is still propellant inside the bottle, it should be treated as hazardous waste due to the propellant.

Cap and nozzle are made out of plastic and are recyclable if facilities are available. Just separate the bottle, cap and nozzle first.

Follow your local authority guidelines especially when recycling plastics. If you are unsure if the bottle is fully empty, or there is still some product inside, treat it as hazardous waste.


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